Frequently asked questions

You must be at least 28 years old

You must have held a driving license for more than 4 years

When you access our website, you just need to follow the indicated steps to complete the reservation to rent a car with our agency. Once we receive it, we will send you a confirmation email, which serves as a guarantee. A printed copy of the reservation will be available to our agent when the rental car is delivered.

Yes, it is possible to make a reservation with a simple phone call. Phone communications are also useful for inquiring about the price or any other details regarding the rental.

In case of a reservation with a flight arriving late or very early, our agency Citygo provides 24/7 agents to ensure the delivery of the rented vehicle. They will even be aware of any delays as they track the flight online through their smartphones.

You can pay the car rental amount either in cash (foreign currencies / Dinars) or by international credit card (mobile POS with a 5% bank commission added to the rental amount). It is also possible to pay by check, but we only accept Tunisian checks.

The rental car can be equipped with a baby seat free of charge upon request, and if you need an additional one, you must pay 9 Dinars per day, increased to 20 Dinars for a long-term car rental.

It is strictly prohibited to cross the borders under any circumstances because the rental contract is only valid within Tunisian territory. Our rental cars are equipped with GPS chips that constantly track the vehicles, and we will be immediately notified if you come within 100 km of the Tunisian-Libyan or Tunisian-Algerian borders.


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